Saturday 18 February 2012

TV Commercials

I have been thinking about an engaging way to introduce global issues into an integrated studies through English course.  I started to look at TV commercials, or adverts in the UK, (short for advertisements), as an interesting way, not only to introduce different issues, but also highlight cultural differences.  

One commercial from the USA, for the Nissan Leaf, caught my attention.  I thought you might be interested in it and I have little challenge for you:

After watching the commercial: 
1. Summarize it and explain what global issue it highlights.
2. Do you think it is a good commercial for Nissan Leaf?  Why or why not? 

If you interested in learning about how this was made, click on the video below.


  1. But where does the electricity come from? I think maybe this not good CM because they don't show the whole story I think.

  2. Yes Yuki, that's the problem with advertising. They only show you what they want you to see. In this case, they don't want you to think about where the electricity is coming from or how it is being made. They just want you to associate a green image with this car.
