Tuesday 14 February 2012

Gender & Job Titles

Today I had a conversation about job titles. Recently there is a lot of confusion about the correct names to use when describing occupations. In some English speaking countries there has been a shift towards gender-neutrality.  Gender- neutrality challenges the use of male and female nouns and pronouns.  This is especially noticeable when we look at jobs.

Of course, there are many jobs that do not imply any gender, teacher, singer, author, poet, musician etc. There are also some that have both a male and a female job title but recently women have rejected the female title, preferring to use the male title. A few examples are:

Actor & Actress
Recently actor is being used by many women

Fisherman & Fisher Woman
There is a gender-neutral job title, fisher, however this has been rejected by many women who prefer the title fisherman

Horse Rider is the gender-neutral title, however, like fisherman, many female horse riders prefer the title Horseman

The three examples above seem to be exceptions to the general trend of gender-neutrality.

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